Breathe to both sides.
High elbow recovery.
Head remains down, and to the side.

Testable goal:

Swimmer should be comfortable swimming for longer distances. Test a 20 meter distance of high quality swimming.

– Streamline
– Bilateral breathing (both sides)
– High elbow recovery
– Arms starting and ending in position 11; slight catch-up drill okay
– Constant kick.

Bonus Goals:

  • Flip turns
  • Controlled head without lifting
  • Hips should rotate with arms strokes
  • Breaths should be quick and with minimal face out of water.

Activities to achieve this goal:

3 x SL + 3 FR + lay on side one arm in 11, face down and float with 10 kicks.

Goal is laying on the side. Avoid belly laying. Most swimmers will get confused with the arm raised forward and will put it in the air and look up. Goal is looking down, nose in armpit. “Smell your sticky armpits.”

3 x SL + 5 FREE + 1 breath

Strong freestyle kick throughout.
Focus on arms reaching to 11, head aiming straight down, and power with each stroke.

Must breathe 1 time on stroke 2, 3, or 4. No breathing on 1 or 5.

3x SL + Position 11 for 5 kicks + 1 FR

Streamline with freestyle kick. At the surface transition from streamline to position 11. Continue kicking for 5 kicks in position 11.

Continue kicking and do one arm stroke of freestyle. Leave other arm in position 11 place.


8 x 50, 12 x 25, 4 x 100.

Swim aerobic sets with lots of freestyle focusing on specific parts of good swimming.

Use drills, kicking and full swimming to reinforce good technique.

Challenges to achieve this goal:

Challenges are like games but with less moving parts and quicker.


Swim to 1/2 way with at least 40 freestyle strokes.

Lay on your side and paddle your arm like a canoe, not pushing past your hips. Get to 1/2 way without hitting a lane line or wall.

Challenge –

Do a handstand with your legs together and toes pointed to the ceiling. Hold it for 2 seconds (or 3), then do a front flip where you land on your feet without otherwise touching the bottom.

Streamline on your side, looking at the wall. Make it past 1/2 way.
Must be totally on side, no tilting.

Final Test:
Swim 20 meters with all of the following done well:

  • Streamline
  • Consistent flutter kick
  • Arms moving with regular rhythm
  • Side breathing to both sides
  • Arms reaching to full extension (position 11) on every stroke